Task for the week: animate a four legged walk. The class, as aspiring animators, were encouraged to observe from life before getting down to the nitty gritty. So off we went to london zoo, on a freezing monday morning...This cow was too busy eating to pay any attention to me. A stack of dried grass had been tied into a bundle and hung from some sort of hook, so her head was upright whilst feeding instead of the classic down position. But I mean, I was'nt complaining, I think she stood in roughly the same pose for nearly 15 mins. Wow! That may not sound like a lot but that number is BIG in london zoo! You know they say cows have three stomachs, so thats a lot of grass. I had to leave to see the other animals because I was running out of time, but I thanked her for being such a good model, she never heard me, or maybe she did. I came back 30 mins later before leaving, she was still there, on round three I think because her movements were slower.